How to upgrade from Fedora25 to Fedora27 with less stress.

If you need to connect your android phone to your PC, DO NOT UPGRADE, They really screwed up this version of Fedora.

Let's do "By the book" instructions:

Update software and back up your system.
dnf upgrade --refresh

Install the DNF plugin.
dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

Start the update with DNF.
dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=27

I needed to add:
dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=27 --allowerasing

Reboot and upgrade.
dnf system-upgrade reboot

If this fails with: Error: system is not ready for upgrade
Then do: dnf repolist

and get rid of any third-party repos with:
dnf config-manager --set-disabled zmrepo

Now let's fix the problems.
must run hp-setup again to detect scanner
hp-setup -i

Install UnitedRPMs repository.
dnf -y install$(rpm -E %fedora)-6.fc$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
rpm --import

Install better software.
dnf update
dnf install ffmpeg vlc

Zoneminder now uses RPMFusion instead of zmrepo.
You may have to uninstall then reinstall, get rid of third party repos and download zoneminder rpm from the web.

The Activities Menu keeps reappearing between Applications and Places, thereby disabling the Applications menu. This is a Fedora Bug.
Workaround: Alt-F2 then "r" enter everytime it happens.
Installing "Activities Configurator" extension into the tweak tool, Then "Remove Activities Button" and "Disable Hot Corner" in extension does not fix it as the extension is not yet compatible with Fedora.

simple-mtpfs does not work, I cannot connect my android devices to upload or download files!.
Workaround: in fedora 27 you need to unmount device in nautilus first, then simple-mtpfs mount will work.

Workaround does not work anymore, Plugging in your Android will log you out and not let you log back in!.

Partial workaround: Download latest stable and replace.

Updated 28 November 2017
by Kevin Gyllenberg.