
Kevin Gyllenberg
HaNachshonim 17/8, 4074514 Ariel, Israel  (972) 3-9366127 or 052-2586067
Software Engineer with over 30 years experience in Software Development and Project Management.
Looking for a senior position in the Embedded Software Staff of a Hi-Tec company.

2006-2010 Director of Software
Director of Software ADVANCED-PLATFORMS
High Availability Telecom Infrastructures, Experts in AdvancedTCA.
Developed blades, chassis and development tools compliant with AdvancedTCA
using Atmel 8 and 32 bit microprocessors, proprietary and linux operating systems, in-house and open-source tools.
Expertise in Protocols: IPMI 2.0, RMPC, SAF HPI-B, PICMG 3.0
Extensive experience interfacing with Pidgeon Point and Motorola 100 Shelf Managers.

1995-2005 Embedded Software Engineer
Team Leader ECI TELECOM Broadband Access
Development of ADSL and subscriber loop telephone multiplexing systems.
Tools used: Tornado PPC and MIPS2.2, Synergy and PVCS

1989-1995 Independent Software Consultant
In the coarse of six years I managed different projects for many customers including:

1.      O. Peled Systems - Ariel

A manufacturer of electro-magnetic scoreboards.
I developed products based on Intel microprocessors.
I wrote embedded software in Assembler and PL/M and management software in C++,
I designed the PCB boards using Orcad and developed the PAL and GAL programmed logic.

2.      Sintec (Formula Group)

I developed a PC based interface card and assembler language drivers for
Heavy-Duty mainframe printers for checkbooks.

3.      Various Importers (including CLAL Systems, DEC, SHARP, BULL-HONEYWELL, IIS, EPSON, SEIKOSHA, LOTUS, and Q-TEXT)

In order to make products (CRT displays Copy machines, Dot-Matrix and Laser printers) compatible to the local market, the embedded software was reverse-engineered to print or display hebrew letters.

1987-1988 Army Service in the IDF
I served in the Paratroopers Training School as a Rigging Instructor and Supervisor.

1983-1987 System Programmer
Medan Computers
(Local Honeywell representative) - Petah Tikva

Among my responsibilities was to maintain the operating-system supplied to our customers, maintain software packages sold to customers and make locally compatible the hardware we sold. In order to make hardware compatible to the local market I developed a wide range of software tools such as CROSS-ASSEMBLERs, ASSEMBLERs and DISASSEMBLERs for many different microprocessors.

1980-1982 Application Programmer
Benkel Bookkeeping and Computer services - Jordan Valley

During my time there in charge of data processing, I developed accounting software that was used by the company and also sold as a software package to other bookkeeping firms.

1971-1977 Student
Graduated ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY after six years of study with a double major in Business Administration and Accounting. Worked nights in bookkeeping and as a mainframe computer operator.


            1983 Intel 8051 MicroProcessor – Technology Center – Holon

            1984 Intel 8085 MicroProcessor – Technology Center - Holon

1997 – 1999 Electrical engineering – College of Judah and Samaria.

ECI sponsored:

Electrical Engineering for the non-electrical engineer - Miclelet Hi-Tec
Software Project Management - Miclelet Hi-Tec
Software Testing - John Brice Training
Object Oriented C++ - Sela
Introduction to Telephonia, FRAME RELAY, ISDN - Logtel
TCP/IP - Technion
VXWORKS - WindRiver